Master of Divinity
Prerequisite: Completion of Bachelors Degree
Servant Leadership 4 credit hours
Administrative Leadership 4 credit hours
Teaching Ministry 4 credit hours
Pastoral Ministry 4 credit hours
Church Evangelism 4 credit hours
Church Missions 4 credit hours
History of Christian Education 4 credit hours
New Testament History 4 credit hours
Hermeneutics II 4 credit hours
Pauline Theology I 4 credit hours
Creation Theology 4 credit hours
Prophets of Israel 4 credit hours
Evangelicalism 4 credit hours
Historical Books 4 credit hours
Moral Absolutes 4 credit hours
Technology for Ministry 4 credit hours
Created for Community 4 credit hours
Counseling Addictive Behavior 4 credit hours
Competent to Counsel 4 credit hours
Counseling Anger 4 credit hours
Counseling Depression 4 credit hours
Counseling Fear 4 credit hours
Grief Counseling 4 credit hours
Marriage Counseling 4 credit hours
Thesis (20,000 word thesis) 8 credit hours
Total Credit Hours Required 104 Credit hours