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Prerequisite: Completion of an Associates Degree
Prerequisite: Completion of an Associates Degree
Bachelor of Arts In Counseling Psychology
Prerequisite: Completion of an Associates Degree
Program Requirements
BCC410 Introduction to Psychology & Counseling
BCC411Human Development
BCC412 Theology & Psychology in Christian Counseling
BCC413 Ethics
BCC414 Counseling Methodology
BCC415 Emotions
BCC416 Perspectives of Personhood
BCC417 Apologetics
BCC418 Psychology & Christianity
BCC419 Mental Disorders
BCC420 Identity in Theology & Psychology
BCC421 Sociology
BCC422 World Religions
BCC423 Christian Counseling
BCC424 Helping People Change
Total hours from core curriculum 15
Total hours from major 45
Total credit hours required 60
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